domingo, 15 de abril de 2012


It is a food company. 
Domino's Pizza is a multinational fast food, specializing in pizzas.

With ingredients you can order a custom pizza
Pepperoni, Chicken, Ham, Ground Beef, Pineapple, Mushrooms, Bacon, Italian Sausage, Onions, Olives, Peppers, Jalapenos, Chorizo

The traditional comprising 2 to 4 ingredients.
Honolulu with Ham, Pineapple, Bacon and Jalapeño.
Alambre with Green Pepper, Onion, Sausage and Chicken.
Mexican with Ground Beef, Sausage, Onions and Jalapeños.
Veggie with Fresh Mushrooms, Onion, Green Pepper
             and Olives.

Special peperonni with Pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese .
Hawaiana with Ham, Pineapple and Extra Cheese.

The traditional comprising 5 to 9 ingredients.
Deluxe with Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, fresh mushrooms, green peppers and onions.
Mauin with Ham, Pineapple, Chicken, Bacon, Jalapeno, Extra Cheese.
Parrillada with Ham, Ground Beef, Chicken, Sausage and Bacon.
Extravaganzza with Pepperoni, Ham, Ground Beef, Italian sausage, green peppers, fresh mushrooms, olives,  Onion and Extra Cheese.
cold cuts with Salami, Pepperoni, Ham, Fresh Mushrooms, Olives, Extra Cheese and Oregano.


The largest pizza 4 to 1.
2 ingredients section.
7 people

 Double decker

Delicious Italian style dough, stuffed with cream cheese crunchy


Delicious Italian style dough, thin and crispy.

couple package

Traditional Medium Pizza (2 to 4 ings.)
+ Papote + 2 drinks (600 ml.)
2 people.

Pake compartas

Basic large pizza (1 ing.)
+ Chicken Fingers + Papote 
4 people

   Family Package

Traditional Large Pizza (2 to 4 ings.)
+ Refresh Canelazo + Bites (2 L.)
4 people

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